We have now been retailing for two years. I do say there are no such things as stupid questions and the reality is not everybody really knows or understands everything. It’s also critical that people are made aware of things, whether asked or not!
We have developed the all important FAQ page or Frequently Asked Questions. These are either questions that have been put to us in the past and we have taken the opportunity to clarify the response OR questions that may be considered, therefore should be answered. FAQ is usually out with the scope of Terms & Conditions so we have not included too many answers which have been outlined in our T&C.
It’s understandable this page will grow and questions do apply to both our website and our physical store. Eventually these will need to be separated in to two categories otherwise the page will become an endless scroll and not be user friendly.
If you have any questions you feel should be included on our FAQ as a standard please feel free to contact us.