Ring Size Guide


Steel Harbor Ring Size Guide

How to order the correct ring size

There are some great guides already available online and on YouTube on how to easily measure your finger using paper, pen and ruler.  

  1. Take a sheet of paper and cut off a strip the length of the paper.
  2. Wrap the paper round the finger you wish to measure only one full time so the lengths create an overlap.
  3. Using a pen draw a line on the over length that is right at the end of the wrap below.
  4. Take your paper strip and use a ruler to measure from the end to the pen mark using Centimetres.

This will give you an approximate ring size for the guide above.

You should also measure the knuckle of the same finger to be sure you have the larger of the two. In some cases knuckles can be much larger than the finger leaving the ring feeling loose.  

Should you be local you are welcome to come in and get sized for a variety of ring styles or you can visit a local jeweller.

If you order rings regularly or plan on doing so there are a variety of ring size devices available for you to keep in your home so you can get the perfect size every time!

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